EWS Net Pvt. Ltd.,Ecommerce Website Designing Company

"Pls Note: Kiaan DigiMedia is a unit of EWS Net Pvt. Ltd."

Website Development Services Delhi and Mumbai

We do not SPAM Or SELL your personal data to 3rd Party. It's 100% SAFE & SECURE with us.

Our Portfolio

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  • Website Designing Company
  • Website Designing Company India
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  • Website Designing Company Delhi
  • Website Designing Company in Delhi
  • Website Designing Company in Delhi NCR
  • Website Design Company
  • Website Designing Company
  • Web Designing Company
  • Website Designing Company
  • Ecommerce Website Design India
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  • Corporate Website Designing
  • Web Development Company

5-10 Pages Web Design Packages15-25 Pages Web Design Packages
Website Designing Company in Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi,NCR,Mumbai
Home » Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

To access the complete features of the website you are bound to comply with the terms and conditions as stated by the company. In case you show non-acceptance with the mentioned condition, you are liable to receive discontinuation with the access of the website.

The website developed for individual, who at age of 15 years or above.

To make a legal statement between user and the online business provider it is required to set certain terms and condition on the usage of the services offered. The user will accept the terms and the condition whole using the website. It gives assurance to both service providers and user about the privacy of the data and its misuse.

While, using the EWS Net. Pvt. Ltd. (Kiaan DigiMedia) website the user is abiding with the terms and condition provided by the company. The company holds the right to make changes in their policies without intimating the user.

General Terms: The user is not permitted to make any illegal usages of the website that are prohibited. In case if it is found to do so the usage can be prohibited. Any action causing damage to website features and in its reputation is strictly prohibited and the user may not able to access the website in near future. No one is allowed for unauthorized usage of the website or user account or computer network, or system with an intention of hacking password or any other reason.

Client Area Account: The user will be responsible for its account information security and safety on the website. In the case of any unauthorized login experienced to your account, you are expected to intimate EWS Net Pvt. Ltd. immediately in order to take the necessary step to secure your information and personal details. EWS Net Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for any changes made by you in your account like deleting or changing the name, contact number, etc.

The company can make changes in its website without acceptance from the user. It has the right to discontinue any feature, content or any other information whenever it is required. The right to change terms and condition of the website depends solely on the EWS Net. Pvt. Ltd.

Content Policies: The content of the website is the exclusive property of the EWS Net. Pvt. Ltd. No one has the right to copy or imitate, reproduce, republish or even transmit or upload material without informing or taking acceptance from the company.

Privacy Policies: The Company provides complete protection to the user data provided in the website. We do not share any information about our user to any other.

Legal Control: It is made as per the laws of the government of India set for the private entrepreneur for doing illegal activities. The legal control provides assurance to both customer and service provider to take legal action in case they find any violations form the set rule.

After Sales Assistance

In the case user got confused with the codes and made any changes we hold no responsibility to provide technical assistance in any case. We do provide website maintenance service, if website is hosted on our server.

EWS Net Pvt. Ltd. gives no guarantee on the service updates charges. It can be free or chargeable. Depending upon the nature of services update charge will be applied on the services.

Comparison with eth other competitors website and claim for the same features are not allowed or accepted in any of the case after the finalized quotation and features.

Any extra customization offered to the client can be charged by the company. Client cannot claim for the free customization service. They cannot compare the previous payment done with the customization facility availed to them.

If found any unfriendly communication between client and any of the company executive or representative, the user can lose the post sales support service from the company side. A professional and healthy communication should establish between company’s executives and customers. Use of inappropriate communication will get devoid customer from enjoying after sales assistance service.

The assistance provided between 10 AM to 6 PM IST (MON - FRI).


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